In Depth Asanas | PYC Blog | The Power Yoga Co.
In Depth Asanas December 20, 2016

Yoga for Kids

The more I teach Kids Yoga, the more I learn from the children. It is crucial for children to just be – no hurry, no worry, no comparisons or competition and yoga can supply this. What a gift.

In Depth Asanas September 20, 2016

Getting to the Core with Cloudia Hill

Having a strong core is often referred to as having a 'snug corset' wrapping itself right around you, protecting you from knees to shoulders. It is also essential for sports and day to day activities to reduce the impact on our joints and bones, and it makes yoga practice easier and safer.

In Depth Asanas August 20, 2016

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a blissful type of meditation practice that invites deep relaxation and physical restoration, and provides an opportunity for profound internal enquiry and transformation.

In Depth Asanas May 20, 2016

The Power of Breath

In our yoga practice, we focus on moving our bodies in non-harming ways, except our personal limitations and look after ourselves. But how often do we practice this off the mat?

In Depth Asanas May 20, 2016

The Quest for the Press

Physically, the 'press' is likely to add longevity to a strong practice too. Each time you jump into a handstand, you put additional, excess pressure into your lower back, wrists and shoulders, which, in time, they won’t thank you for.

In Depth Asanas April 20, 2016

The Roots of Yoga

This workshop will introduce students to some of the main traditions of Yoga in a fun and engaging way. I hope to help students see Yoga beyond its health benefits and to present Yoga in its multiplicity of traditions, philosophies, and religious contexts.

In Depth Asanas February 20, 2016

Good Vibrations with Leo Cosendai

Sound wizard Leo Consendai unravels the mystery of 'sound massage' by explaining how bathing yourself in a vibrational bath of sound and frequency can heal your body and your mind.

In Depth Asanas January 20, 2016

Turning fear into beauty ~ Pincha Mayurasana

For some yogis, inversions can cause uncertainty and fear but once we overcome these barriers and focus on the elements required (inner strength, stability, and openness) - we can start to explore this exciting part of the practice.

In Depth Asanas November 20, 2015

The Healing Power of Yoga

Yoga gives you a moment when you stop. You observe what is going on in your body, you observe your thoughts and your sensations without judgment. This awareness is the first step in releasing tension and breathing naturally.

In Depth Asanas September 20, 2015

Nurture your inner self with Vicky Fox

This workshop will enable you to handle stress and adversity more effectively by teaching you how to take 'ownership' of your recovery and give you some simple tools to switch out of fight or flight and back into resting and digesting.