To teach or not to teach?
Yoga Teacher Training / November 20, 2016

To teach or not to teach?


Léa completed her yoga teacher training with The Power Yoga Company in 2014. Two years later, she gives us some insight into what she describes as a “life-changing experience”. Read below for great yoga teacher training survival tips, from the importance of making friends to the big question: to teach or not to teach?

Clear your schedule

Your intensive teacher training is going to be just that: intensive. You won’t have time or energy for much else, especially during the first 16 days. The course is mentally and physically challenging. You’ll need all the sleep you can get in order to be in the best possible condition. Make sure you clear your schedule and let your friends know you’re off to Yogaland. It’s okay, you’ll be back.

Make friends

Your fellow trainees are not your competition; they’re invaluable allies. You’re about to embark on a crazy, life-changing journey together. You’ll need practice buddies and people who can relate to what you’re going through. Talk to your teachers, too. Don’t be shy! They’re here to help.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

There is no such thing as a perfect yoga teacher. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t hold a headstand from the get-go or don’t want to become a vegan. Mastering a pose takes practice. In the meantime, have some cake.

To teach or not to teach…

Do you want to teach yoga? Do you just want to deepen your practice? Or do you wish people would stop asking because you haven’t figured it out yet? Don’t worry: you don’t have to decide now. On the first day of training, I remember saying: “I just want to deepen my practice; I don’t really want to teach”. Truth is, I was terrified. Teaching yoga? In my second language? In front of people? Are you mad? But the training gave me the experience, knowledge and confidence I needed in order to start teaching. So I did. And a few months later, I quit my full-time job.


Practice is key – before, during and after your training. Go to as many classes as you can. It doesn’t have to be intense, sweaty classes every time. There will be days where your body craves some yin. Days where you only have time for a 15-minute YouTube video or a few sun salutations. That’s okay. Just don’t stop practicing.

Be patient

If you’re committed and work hard, things will fall into place. Your teacher training is only the beginning. Give it time: the magic will happen.

For more about Léa visit her website at leasana.comInstagram or on Facebook. Read more about Léa in an article by The Chelsea Personal Trainer.