What To Know When Taking a Pregnancy Yoga Class
Lifestyle / February 28, 2022

What To Know When Taking a Pregnancy Yoga Class


Many people who are curious about yoga will initially be more familiar with the dynamic, challenging and fast-paced styles of power yoga. However, the gentler forms of this deeply transformative practice are ideal for healing and recovering from injuries. In fact, yoga is excellent for maintaining optimal health during pregnancy. If you’re looking for ways to increase your strength and flexibility during pregnancy, then pregnancy yoga classes could be the perfect solution.

Pregnancy Yoga can help to maintain your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health during your pregnancy. It can also help to restore pelvic health after giving birth.

Keep reading to explore the wonderfully supportive benefits of pregnancy yoga and pick up a few of our essential tips for getting the most out of your practice.

Understanding Pregnancy Yoga

As your body changes in pregnancy you may experience issues such as lower back pain, pelvic pain, balance problems, and postural changes. Pregnancy Yoga’s gentle strengthening and stretching asanas can help with these issues.
It is advised to wait until at least 12 weeks before attending any fitness classes, and this also applies to yoga. If in doubt, check with your doctor who will assess your pregnancy and see what poses you can practice safely in class.

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Tips for Staying Safe During a Pregnancy Yoga Class

Pregnancy yoga needs to be safe and beneficial for you and your baby. Here are some things to keep in mind when joining a pregnancy yoga class.

1 – Stay Hydrated

Be sure to pay attention to your body temperature and avoid overheating. You may get hotter more quickly while pregnant, so it’s a great idea to stay hydrated. Listen to your body and take things at your own pace.

2 – Maintain Your Breath

Your heart rate may naturally increase during your yoga practice, but it should not be too rapid or uncomfortable in any way. You should always be able to speak and maintain steady breathing while practicing. If you’re finding it difficult to breathe or speak, this could be a sign that you may be straining or pushing yourself too hard.

3 – Don’t Overstretch

During pregnancy, ligaments have a slightly reduced ability to stabilise the joints, making them more prone to injury. Bear in mind that although you may feel more flexible, the aim is to strengthen your body and this is best achieved with controlled movements.

4 – No Supine Postures after the First Trimester

Prolonged poses that are carried out lying down are not advised after the first trimester – or around week 20 of your pregnancy. This can compress the aorta and reduce oxygen flow.

5 – Be Cautious with Standing Balances

During pregnancy, your centre of body mass will drastically change, which affects your balance. When doing standing balances, it helps to have extra support or to practice next to a wall.

6 – Avoid Deep Bends or Twists

Look out for any signs of pain when doing bends or twists. You can use modified versions of the poses that offer more support and provide less strain.

7 – Be Cautious with Inversions

Unless they are part of your regular practice, inversions like headstands are best avoided. It may be safe if you are very experienced in performing the pose and can practice it with ease during your pregnancy.

8 – Listen To Your Body

Again, pregnancy yoga classes are a gentle, pleasant and supportive measure for maintaining fitness during pregnancy. However, it is always best to consult a physiotherapist or a doctor before undertaking any kind of pregnancy exercise.

Watch out for any signs of discomfort, pain, or swelling and if your breathing is strained, or you’re finding it hard to relax, you should pause and rest immediately. Remember, your teacher is there to guide you, so talk through any concerns you may have before or after class.

Yoga is a great way to stay active, have fun, and connect with your baby. It can improve your strength, flexibility, and posture. It can also reduce stress and anxiety and help with back and pelvic pain. However, pregnancy yoga should always be practiced under the supervision of a professional teacher who has specialist expertise in prenatal yoga.

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maternity classes london

Practice Pregnancy Yoga with The Power Yoga Company!

Are you looking for a pregnancy yoga course in London? The Power Yoga Co. runs regular pregnancy and post-natal yoga classes.

Sign up for a yoga class today! Discover how our skilled and sensitive teachers are supporting women through all the stages of pregnancy.
We also offer a unique and wonderfully comprehensive pregnancy yoga teacher training course!