Meet the PYC Teacher - Marta Decarli | The Power Yoga Co.
Lifestyle / Teacher Interview / November 10, 2020

Meet Marta


This week, we took the opportunity to talk to PYC teacher Marta Decarli. We wanted to find out more about her journey to become a Yoga teacher.

How did you get started on your yoga journey?

In 2009 I moved to a sports academy/boarding school in the US for my senior year of high school. I was the new Italian girl in another super competitive environment, where students competed for spots in the national ski racing team and why not, the Olympic Games! I gained 12kg in 10 months!! I felt so disconnected from my body, everything hurt, and it was like I was looking at myself from the outside.

But that’s when I actually tried my first yoga class. At that point I was 18, so used to strenuous physical activities, and very active in general, that sitting down and breathing felt SO uncomfortable. My immediate reaction: ‘I do not like yoga’. A few years and a couple of jobs later, I stumbled upon a flyer advertising a yoga studio near my office. I thought to myself that I was too ‘big’ and not flexible enough to join a class, but there was something about yoga that really called me. Little did I know that I would turn out to be a yoga teacher a few years later…

Looking back, I think I started my yoga journey feeling very broken, physically and mentally, probably without even realising it. Along the way, I have found many people like me, that have confided in me and explained to me how yoga for them was a healing process more than anything.

I strongly believe that yoga can make such a difference in people’s lives.

What inspired you to become a yoga teacher?

When I first moved to London, I started practicing with different teachers and I always admired the sense of community and gratitude they shared and brought together in their classes. I felt really inspired by teachers most of all, because it’s not always easy to be authentic, happy and calm at the same time. Yoga teachers are human and vulnerable too. My goal was to be that someone for students, someone who could be authentic and show their strengths alongside their vulnerabilities, while helping them heal in their own journey.

What are your current 3 favourite yoga poses?

Supta baddha konasa (Reclining bound angle pose): I love that it makes me feel grounded and supported, yet open to receiving. It’s​ ​such a nice place where to start a class or even finish it.

Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III): this pose is so strong, balancing on one leg while feeling everything that’s going on in the body and​ ​trusting yourself that you can be there for as long as you need to. I always like to include it in some transitions too!

Skandasana (Side lunge): such a complete pose! Requiring balance, asymmetrical movements, hip opener, activating the bandhas, strengthening and so on. I love going from one side to the other and deeper into it as I warm up throughout the practice.

What do you do other than yoga?

I am currently studying to become a Nutrition and Lifestyle coach, because I want to help people achieve a better and healthier lifestyle (it will still include chocolate I promise!). I also love taking care of my dog, Oliver, who thinks he’s human and basically does everything with me, and I enjoy making my own candles – I find it very relaxing.

If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would that be?

This is probably one of the hardest questions someone could ask me. I am obsessed with food – I am Italian after all – and I cannot make up my mind when it comes to choosing my favorite things to eat. I go by periods and currently all I could eat, breakfast, lunch and dinner (okay maybe not breakfast) is risotto. It can be plain, but it needs to be sprinkled with parmesan cheese.

What’s the last thing you watched on TV and why did you choose to watch it?

I watched the Queen’s Gambit and it was SO good. I love any kind of TV series or movie that talks about women challenging stereotypes and winning against the odds.

You can learn more about Marta here